Divorce changed my future forever. I had to acknowledge this and make peace with it, in order to move on. Looking back now, I am grateful that I was able to take the time after separating to focus on training as a coach and doing what I loved.
I spent the weekend in London at an event run by The Coaching Academy. I was buzzing. I loved being part of this community. Helping people reach their goals, achieve their dreams and create a better life was what I wanted to do.
The next part of my personal development journey had begun.
I realised I thrive helping others thrive. You know the feeling you get when something clicks into place? That light bulb moment! I’ve had many of those moments. Not always good moments though…!
I remember coming home from an NLP weekend a few years before I discovered The Coaching Academy. I was excited to share what I had learned with my husband (now ex-husband). We started talking but it wasn’t long before we were speaking different languages again. We had been married for many years and loved each other, but found it difficult to be happy together.

But I wasn’t ready yet… I put my marriage first and let go of my internal development journey. Sadly, the marriage ended in divorce a few years later. We tried relationship counselling, but it didn’t help us. Coaching would have been a better option to us as we wanted ways to move forward not simply to go over old wounds. I know there are many different ways.
Some couples find their way back together and stay together. For others, separation and divorce is the only option. 42% of marriages in the UK and almost 50% in the United States will end in divorce or separation.
Eventually, I thought going through a separation would be better than staying married. I knew in my heart that it was the only decision to make. We were both unhappy and it was affecting our children and our wider family. What I hadn’t taken into account were the sadness and stress a breakup was having on me and my children. I have since learned that there is a correlation between divorce and burnout.
I also learned that we don’t have to go through this whole process on our own.
We all have sad and stressful times. It’s how we deal with them that counts.

5 steps helped me get through my divorce:
Being Grateful
Taking time for self-care.
Being proactive.
Seeking help
Smiling – it really does make you feel better!
What a beautiful and comforting article. It’s great to get even more of an insight into you and the tips and suggestions you’ve highlighted as well. It makes you think about all kinds of relationships too and how best to honour yourself/know yourself and love your self first and then bring your best and loving self to others.
Thank You Jackie for your kind and insightful comments. I’m glad you enjoyed this article.